Sons of Herod (genocide in independent state of Croatia)

09.04.2019. Аутор:: Пријатељ Божији 3

Documentary Film "Sons of Herod" is an documentary and analytical story about the genocide of the Serbian people in the Independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, NDH), which for the last seven decades has been hidden from the world, under the political embargo of the Yugoslavian politics, bans and censorship. Children death camps were nowhere to be found except in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH). Therefore, the film especially points to the suffering of children, addressing the causes of this cruel crime, revealing simultaneously its depth, crime against humanity, the role of the Roman Catholic Church but also the ones who were for decades guardians of this horrible secret and the carst pits.

Komentari (3)



Ovaj film je skinuta sa YTUBA i nigde se ne moze pronaci... Mozda zato sto prica o Srpskom zatiranju, a ne nekom drugom... proverite!




Thank You for this documentary. If there is anything an outsider could do to help spread the word about these gruesome crimes, please do not hesitate to contact me.




Hvala na ovom dokumentarnom filmu. Ako postoji nesto sto bi autsajder mogao uraditi za sirenje svesti kod ljudi koji ne mare ili ne znaju, kontaktirajte me.


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